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EU: Změna Směrnice EIA vstupuje v platnost
Včera vstoupila v platnost směrnice o vyhodnocení vlivů na životní prostředí, která přináší lepší ochranu životního prostředí a snížení administrativní zátěže vyplývající z evropských předpisů. Nová právní úprava se zaměřuje na rizika a výzvy, které se objevily za posledních 25 let, jako je energetická účinnost, změna klimatu či prevence přírodních katastrof. Směrnice dává členským státům mandát ke změně postupů pro posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí, zavádí časová období pro jednotlivé fáze hodnocení či aktualizuje screeningová kritéria. Členské státy musí tato pravidla uplatnit nejpozději do 16. května 2017.
The main amendments are as follows:
Member States now have a mandate to simplify their various environmental assessment procedures.
Timeframes are introduced for the different stages of environmental assessments: screening decisions should be taken within 90 days (although extensions are possible in exceptional cases) and public consultations should last at least 30 days. Members States also need to ensure that final decisions are taken within a reasonable period of time.
The screening procedure to determine whether or not an EIA is required has been simplified. Decisions must be duly motivated in the light of the updated screening criteria.
EIA reports are to be made clearer for the public, especially as regards assessments of the current state of the environment and the consideration of alternatives to the project being proposed.
The quality and the content of the reports will be improved. Competent authorities will also need to prove their objectivity, so as to avoid conflicts of interest.
The grounds for development consent decisions must be clear and made more transparent for the public. Member States may also set timeframes for the validity of any reasoned conclusions or opinions issued as part of the EIA procedure.
If projects do entail significant adverse effects on the environment, developers will be obliged to take steps to avoid, prevent or reduce such effects. These projects will need to be monitored using procedures determined by the Member States. Existing monitoring arrangements may be used to avoid duplication of monitoring and unnecessary costs.
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