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Energetická Unie: bezpečná, udržitelná, konkurenceschopná a cenově dostupná energie

25.02.2015 13:29

Evropská komise dnes zveřejnila dlouho očekávaný balíček legislativních a nelegislativních návrhů na vytvoření evropské energetické unie, jakéhosi celoevropského energetického prostoru přesahujícího hranice Evropské unie. Vizí Komise jsou silné konkurenceschopné podniky po celé Evropě vyvíjející výrobky a technologie v zájmu energetické účinnosti a nízkouhlíkových technologií budoucnosti, a to ruku v ruce s pracovními místy a dovednostmi zítřka.


Strategie energetické unie má pět dimenzí:

  • energetická bezpečnost, solidarita a důvěra, 
  • vnitřní energetický trh, 
  • energetická účinnost jako příspěvek k omezení poptávky po energiích, 
  • dekarbonizace ekonomiky,
  • výzkum a inovace.


Komise přináší 12 konkrétních opatření, mezi nimiž je i nový legislativní návrh pro dosažení cíle energetické účinnosti do roku 2030, legislativa na posílení bezpečnosti dodávek elektřiny, legislativa na vytvoření nového evropského trhu a zlepšení efektivity evropského energetického regulatorního rámce, legislativa k dosažení cílů snižování emisí skleníkových plynů odsouhlasených Evropskou radou v říjnu 2014. Komise přichází i s nelegislativními iniciativami jako např. „Inteligentní financování pro inteligentní budovy“ nebo progresivní strategii výzkumu a inovací v oblasti energií a klimatu.


Key figures

  • The EU is the largest energy importer in the world, importing 53% of its energy, at an annual cost of around €400 billion.
  • 12 EU Member States[1] do not meet the EU's minimum interconnection target – that at least 10% of installed electricity production capacity be able to "cross borders". The EU has listed 137 electricity projects, including 35 on electricity interconnection: between them, these projects could bring that figure from 12 down to 2 Member States.
  • An appropriately interconnected European energy grid could save consumers up to €40 billion a year.
  • 6 EU Member States[2] are dependent on one single external supplier for all their gas imports.
  • 75% of our housing stock is energy inefficient; 94% percent of transport relies on oil products, of which 90% is imported.
  • Over €1 trillion needs to be invested into the EU energy sector by 2020 alone.
  • Wholesale electricity prices in Europe are 30% higher, and wholesale gas prices over 100% higher, than in the US.
  • European renewable energy businesses have a combined annual turnover of €129 billion, employing over a million people. The challenge is to retain Europe's leading role in global investment in renewable energy.
  • EU greenhouse gas emissions fell 18% in the period 1990-2011.
  • By 2030, the EU aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, boost renewable energy by at least 27%, and improve energy efficiency by at least 27%.


What has been adopted today

  • A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy. This sets out, in five interrelated policy dimensions, the goals of an energy union – and the detailed steps the Juncker Commission will take to achieve it, including new legislation to redesign and overhaul the electricity market, ensuring more transparency in gas contracts, substantially developing regional cooperation as an important step towards an integrated market, with a stronger regulated framework, new legislation to ensure the supply for electricity and gas, increased EU funding for energy efficiency or a new renewables energy package, focusing European R&I energy strategy, reporting annually on the 'State of the Energy Union', just to name a few.
  • An Interconnection Communication, setting out the measures needed to achieve the target of 10% electricity interconnection by 2020, which is the minimum necessary for the electricity to flow and be traded between Member States. It shows which Member States currently meet the target - and which projects are necessary to close the gap by 2020.
  • A Communication setting out a vision for a global climate agreement in Paris in December. The vision is for a transparent, dynamic and legally binding global agreement with fair and ambitious commitments from all parties. The Communication also translates the decisions taken at the European Summit in October 2014 into the EU's proposed emissions reduction target (the so-called Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, or INDC) for the new agreement.


More information about Energy Union:


 [1]  Cyprus, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom

[2] Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia


Související článek:

Energetická unie: Co přijde ještě letos? Vybíráme 10 bodů (EurActiv.cz)

Energetická unie má snížit závislost na Rusku, Komise jí dala zelenou (E15)



Zdroj: EK, SPČR



íce na: https://zpravy.e15.cz/byznys/prumysl-a-energetika/energeticka-unie-ma-snizit-zavislost-na-rusku-komise-ji-dala-zelenou-1166526#utm_medium=selfpromo&utm_source=e15&utm_campaign=copylink